Thursday, May 21, 2009

Personal Digital Assistant

The Personal Digital Assistant or Digital Diary is a species of the Portable computer. The personal digital system is much limited in terms of the tasks it can perform. Basically personal digital computers are used for the purpose of storing small data such as telephone numbers, addresses, etc. The Personal Digital Assistant do not possess the ability of processing complex commands. Unlike other portable devices such as the laptops and sub notebooks, they do not have hard drives or facility to run DVD s, CD s or floppy. Nowadays PDA s come in improved versions with the facilities of colored screens and even music system. However, with the cell phone boom, PDA s have lost a considerable market share.
The Digital Diary is mostly characterized by the following features:

  • A small screen

  • A small integrated keyboard similar to the form of your Desktop computer.

  • An electronically active keypad capable understanding handwriting.

  • It is run by a tablet battery.

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